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SOUL SOCKS is a not-for-profit fundraising initiative and 100% of money raised will be donated to Movember. 


Soul Socks has evolved as a way to celebrate the life of my younger brother, Andy, who we tragically lost to suicide on July 20th, 2017. My family & I will never recover from the heartbreak of losing Andy. 


This is my way of raising awareness and helping to reduce the stigma associated with mental ill health, with a predominant focus on the issues facing men. 


Sock Socks launched in 2019, and raised over $16,000 for Movember.   In 2020, we raised over $38,000.  A huge thanks to the amazing team at @socksocietyaustralia who have donated all the socks.  

In 2022, we are selling socks from our 2020 colour range...and this will be Soul Socks final year. 


Wear your Soul Socks to show support and help change the devastating statistics associated with suicide and mental health issues.  


To learn more about Movember or donate to my Movember fundraising please head to


I am so grateful for your support. 

Katie xx

About Us: About Us
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